Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Stick of Ephraim

It's everywhere.  It's been mentioned.  It's been prophesied.  It's been restored.  I ask y'all a question: why is it so important?

The answer comes simply yet hard to understand-- I had a hard time accepting it for myself-- but it's necessary, the Book of Mormon, because it takes everything complex and hard to understand in life [and in the Bible] and sums it up conveniently in around 500 pages.  Your first thought would probably be something like "how is that possible?" or "that's absolutely blasphemous!"

However, it's been mentioned in the Bible itself that something like this would be coming-- that the "other flock of the fold" has bore record of the Christ.  There is one shepherd guiding many sheep toward where they need be going.  The children of Israel are of one flock-- but to the others, that question remained--->

Christ Jesus loves everyone, that means the people of everywhere else.  Israel wasn't the only place occupied by people at the time!
The Word of God-- where its fullness be found?  Where can I find the missing puzzle pieces of the Bible not found elsewhere?  What is the most correct book that has ever been translated?  What book can answer all of my life questions?  Many have pondered these questions.  They then looked at all their Mormon friends, living so content with what they have-- their happy little big families and their glowing faces-- there's a definite reason why they're like that!  Wouldn't you like to be like that?  Well, talk to them!  They won't bite!  You'll finally understand why they behave like that-- through this jewel of a book that God has given us today.  Find out for yourself whether this book be true while you're at it-- I can't just tell you that it is, but through asking God, you'll know.  There's a Bible verse about that.  The evolution of the word has come in the form of this Testament of Jesus Christ-- it was fitting for God to have laid it down unto the people here today, so that they may be happier than they are now and know their eternal purpose.
In Maslow's pyramid/hierarchy of needs, this book hits the very top of it.  We can fulfill ALL of our needs through this book.  Ask me how it's helped me-- I'll be more than happy to share it with you!

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