Friday, February 20, 2015

Human Nature (Digression)

     If you challenge someone like an atheist to live life without faith as your motivation for hope-- without depending on the knowledge that you'll go someplace else after you die, they'll definitely take it.  However, I say to that accepter of that challenge that he is completely nuts.  He already has a seed somewhere in his heart of a particular faith.  He turned atheist because he just wasn't satisfied with religion.  That in and of itself is a faith with its own set of rules and principles.

     Religion--faith-- is a weird yet very necessary thing.  Even in the dawn of time, man has had religion.  We humans are very peculiar creatures who rely on a very invisible entity to guide and direct us.  We are a social animal.  We are also a worshipping animal.  Evidently, it's in our nature to have religion, whatever it may be. 

     When you have it in your mind, even if it's just the remotest little knowledge of faith, life becomes bearable and hope can be seen.  Even if you're Hindu, Moslem, Wiccan, or anything else that involves a belief in something that cannot be seen, there's always a doctrine tied to a certain one of those creeds.  Those creeds enable us to see what is beyond the biotic life that we live right now.  It also enables us to be the type of people who don't have to succumb to the urges and yearnings of our body.  Taboos and cultural customs all have developed as a result of religion.

     If there happens to be a time in your life where you lost a loved one, got divorced, or something traumatic and painful, you need more than something physical to rely on.  Sure, you have your therapist and your drugs, but there comes a point in your life where you need more than things/people you can hold in your hands.  You need some of that invisible good stuff that can heal your aching soul.  Faith, no matter how significant and no matter how unknown, is ingrained deep inside the human soul. 

     Despair brings out a side of you that needs worship; a hope that a power much greater than you will correct your wrongs and continue your existence.  It enables also the hope that your significant other may be alright and that restitution may be possible on your part.  There will be a time in your life where such feelings will exist (if it hasn't already).  Life is tough and it requires more than just what you can see and touch.  Belief.  It's absolutely instrumental.

     I strongly believe in the inherent power of belief.  It has gotten me through the thick of life.  With a spiritual foundation in something that cannot be seen but feel, the confirmations of truth burning at the bosom have never felt so real.  On multiple occasions, there have been times where a warm feeling has overcome my soul, telling me that all will be well-- civility will rule over an uncivilized world.  This wasn't something I could explain, but I just knew that the feeling from such belief in such came from something much higher than me.  Without anything to hold on to, without a moral compass to guide you on your way, we are no better than animals.  We are no better than the actions we commit.

     So no matter who you are and what your background is, you're going to have to put faith in something to get you through the trials of life.  From God to wealth, it's all there for you to believe in.  However, a belief in God, the Eternal Father of our souls will get you farther in life than you've ever dreamed of.  We have Jesus Christ and also Joseph Smith to thank for that.

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