Friday, October 31, 2014

Bread of Life part 2

     This is a two-part post with part one shown earlier: PART 1

     Okay, now, the question I shall prose is this:

     How was there that much bread left over, but what did they do with the remaining bread?  In tandem, what did we do with the multiplied blessings we received?  While we succeed in the perilous endeavors we commit to with divine intervention, what's important is "what do we do with the newly acquired skill/material/characteristic?"
     It isn't exactly made clear what Jesus and His apostles did with the bountiful amount of remaining bread, but it can be reasonably said that they didn't use it for selfish reasons.  While we can have an overflow of substance-- an overflow of blessings-- we can use it for a variety of means to bless others even more abundantly.  This idea is still a little new to me, so I'm still thinking about what I could do with an abundance of blessings.  Then, a thought popped up--

Spiritual Investment!

     Like successful businesspeople, when they gain a profit, they don't hoard a whole lot of it to themselves.  Instead, they invest in it-- preferably high interest-yielding, lowest-risk deposits.  In order to make more money, they have to spend it on stuff like that.  Some time later, they get an even bigger return and then the process starts all over again.  If we have blessings in such an amount that we're constantly thanking the Lord and not having any other time to repent or ask for help, that's a sign you need to put your blessings in a financial portfolio.

     Go volunteer in a charitable organization!  Go say that you're happy to see a lone face!  Go feed someone hungry!  Go clothe someone naked!  The world is out there to share what you have that has blessed you and your life.  In an eternal perspective, when Jesus said to gather up "treasures in heaven," to go about doing good is a surefire way to do so (Matthew 6:20).  As the Master Teacher Himself, He was endowed with such powers that He had gone about to share it with His fellow men.

     Whatever God has blessed us with, if we share it, we shall see our faith grow.  For Jesus said, "for whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it" (Matthew 16:25).

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