Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Can ya hear me?

"Ralph, I need you here for a second, would that be okay?" you reply-- in your mind.
     Ralph is working in the kitchen, cooking up some food to eat for the daytime.  He knows you're there, across the counter, but has his attention focused on the sizzling pan.

     "Ralph, it's urgent-- I need to talk to you over here for a sec."

     Still, he's in the kitchen, flipping the sautéed veggies and sprinkling in some extra spices.

     "Ralph!" a bespoken you verbalizes.

     "Yeah, whatcha need?"

     A conversation with a friend can't happen when you have what you're going to say in your heart, but not in your mouth.  This is, quite frankly, very, very obvious.  Now, let's put this in a more spiritual setting.  You need something (i.e. an uplifting emotion, strength to overcome adversity, etc.-- NOT i.e. money, fame, power, a lottery winning, etc.) from God.  You look up and see that He's most likely there.

     "Huh, he'll probably give me _____ sooner or later; I would want it, though."

     Even though God knows what you want and He knows when you need it, it may not come to fruition because you were missing one important element in communicating with God-- the actual "communication" part.

     Question-- why do we pray?  You clasp your hands together, bow your head down, and most likely kneel at a quiet, comfortable place.  You say a bunch of things, "amen," and boom!  Done.  What's wrong with that?  Well, for starters, it lacked what I mentioned before.

     Praying/prayer is a communication between you and your Father in Heaven-- God.  You talk to Him about just... stuff.  Stuff that you would talk about with your parents, your friends, your coworkers, and your acquaintances-- except a bajillion times more meaningful.  Sure, God knows what you did and what you're going to do-- "Oh, I met Suzie across the street the other day-- I really like her--" however, He would much rather prefer hearing your story from you.  Why?  He's your Father in Heaven!

     Next time you think of prayer, think about it like this.  In a nutshell, God knows you.  He knows what you're going through and He knows what you need.  If you just [reverently] ask Him what your needs may be (and some things that you thought were interesting throughout your day that you think is worth sharing), He'll hear you loud and clear.  God wants to hear from us.  How else would you talk to your parents?  Haha they are mind-readers, but still!  The only way to grab someone's attention is by verbalizing your request.  Food for thought.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Them Darndiest People

     Walking down a road called Chapman Avenue to my local library, I hear people honking and yelling out of their cars, "Mormons!"  Not much minding them, I walk, with purpose, to the library and then around the surrounding area.  As it was a day of preparation as a missionary, I was finally able to witness for myself the beautiful scenery of Old Towne Orange.  The rotary island, rich with sunlight and vegetation-- centering itself in the hub of the business, the rustic yet contemporary spectacle just makes me realize that not all of life is filled with persecution.

     However, those few people aiming to ruin a nice beautiful Monday afternoon just amazes me-- the effort that they go through to belittle someone of superficial difference than he is actually quite impressive.  Still, sometimes I wonder where the world went.  Have I just not noticed it or has it moved elsewhere?  For every good, outwardly charitable person I have met here, I have encountered dozens of those who want nothing else but destruction-- there's a quote by someone famous, Batman I think, that went something like: "some people just wants to see the world burn."  With mine own eyes, it's sadly turning into a reality.  People don't inferiorize and discriminate because of personal gain anymore.  The typical response now centers around a "just because."

     In a less secular sense, I look at the contemporary Christians-- many are kind-hearted souls who just misunderstands other churches that aren't their own.  They hear from their local leaders on what to believe and then prays from time to time.  It's frightening that these types of people, of all shapes and sizes, can rattle off the names of 12 of their local pastors faster than they can the names of Jesus' original 12 apostles.  With that in mind, these people, with their misunderstanding of what we believe, yell out acerbic words-- destroying faith as its purpose.  Why?  "Just because."

     We don't claim to be anything special, yet the knowledge of who we are, disseminated en masse would definitely quell contention and lead to understanding.  The knowledge that we have is important on so many levels-- both in a spiritual and a social aspect.  With open hearts and a thirst of learning, we can all come to loving each other, like Jesus did with the Samaritans.  With the Greeks.  With the Romans.  With the Amerindians.


Thursday, February 20, 2014

Cutting Losses (Anecdote)

     Walking down a dirt path, into a brightly-lit forest on a breezy autumn afternoon.  Dana carried with her strings of 30 or so colorful balloons in her left hand.  With such joy and sanguinity, Dana held tight to these orbs of happiness as she journeyed forth.  The oaks and the maples tower above, reflecting its vibrant yellow, orange, red leaves, showering down upon her as she makes her way.  Further down the path comes a rather goodly-sized stone tunnel entry.  The other side of that tunnel leads to even more color and beauty of the natural scenery.  Excited to head forth to this lighted beauty, Dana starts toward the entrance.  Entering the tunnel, there's a slight tug from the strings.  The tunnel is too narrow to fit her and all of her prized balloons!  Pulling and pulling, some of the balloons start popping from the pressure.  She wants to go through the tunnel.  She wants to take the balloons-- or what's left of it-- with her too.  Alas, it isn't so.  The balloons, no matter how much she cherishes them, will not fit with Dana to venture toward the other end.  Even if she only takes a few, they cannot go through with her lest it risk further damage, rubbing on the hard, gritty tunnel ceiling.  With no other conclusion; with the biggest of reluctance, that left hand's grasp unfurls; the grip loosed-- the items of so much joy carry forth, on their way, into the sky.  Tears in her eyes, she leaves behind the balloons, venturing into the tunnel-- coming out a markedly changed person.


Monday, February 17, 2014

Manger les bonbons

     If there was one thing that was hard for me to drop as a convert, it had to be the double-shot gingerbread iced cappuccinos with whipped cream and cinnamon garnish I'd always get at the Occoquan bayside (back in Virginia).  Then the Christmas season came and I was reminded of that very taste, craving anything remotely gingerbread-y.

     Thanks to a very kind and loving friend, my gingerbread appetite has been quelled, but it left me with something greater than physical satisfaction.  Do you ever wonder if a gingerbread man and a gingerbread cookie taste any different?  Well, they do.  They may be made from the same ingredients, but they taste different-- regardless of what people say.

     Why would I say something so nonsensical?  While making those cookies, more likely than not, there comes little cookie cutters to make the figures of "men" in the dough.  If not, you just knead the balls of dough into little spheres.  Anywho, as the dough is stretched out, the metal imprint lays firmly into the spicy goodness, indenting its little shape.  Every time, with that cookie cutter, a perfect little guy pops to life out of the stretched out dough.

     Honestly, I find gingerbread men a LOT better than gingerbread cookies.  Some may argue otherwise, but this is my opinion.  I say this because when you make the cookies, with your hands, it tends to come in circles-- of so many different sizes.  The men, however, are uniform yet so unique.  We as people, when it comes to listening and loving, has to be like the gingerbread men.  With the fullness of our hearts, we are to fit and accommodate what they have to say into the shells of who we are.  We are limited, yet we are able to take in what people have to say and help them out to the best of our capacity.  While we do so with what we are given with, a tasty result grows forward-- the capacity of love is sweet to the taste. 

     For every person in every situation, they are different-- they have their own planes of problems, distresses, hardships, struggles, and worries.  However, as the cookie cutters we can be, if we take the time out to just listen and love, making sure that the person is embraced by our care, we can carve out a huge chunk of that dough and turn it into something very much desirable to the taste.

     A Biblical quote is fitting here.  A word or two from the word of God could suffice this discourse.  However, it's not the Bible that should persuade you to love your fellow man (it's a good way), but it should be of yourself.  Be the best you can be, helping others = helping God.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Equal Opportunity Employer

     Why do bad people exist?  Why do they get away with the heinous things they do?  Why do the good have to suffer?  Life sucks.  Life isn't fair.

     These are questions we've all had at one point or another and rightfully so-- God gave all of us the free will to think like that.  Your eyes are probably going to roll when you read this, but let's look at the Bible:

"...for He maketh His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust" (Matthew 5:45).

     Think for a moment.  What does this mean?  What context is this coming from?  In a nutshell, this is when Jesus talks to a very big group of very curious people on top of a very big hill.  Jesus is teaching this crowd to love rather than hate and comes this jewel of an epithet on the fourty-fifth verse.

     I hate to break it to you, but God knows and loves everybody-- sinners and publicans as well.  He loves them equally or-- dare I say it-- more than us!  Now why is that?  Let's look at one of his allegorical teaching resources-- the parable of the prodigal son.  The brother who stayed with his dad was probably more than just upset-- maybe really a little bit jealous.  He asked his dad why his brother was thrown this gargantuan festivity at his return home, making some super awful, degrading choices.  The father replies like so:

"thou art ever with me; and all that I have are thine" (Luke 15:31).

     Although the bad do bad things, but they're always prone to change.

     There's this song that I was reminded by as I was writing this-- "White Lies" -- Good men can do bad/ while the bad men can do good"

     Or something like that.  My point is, God is capable of helping all sides.  No matter the injustice, no matter the unfairness, it comes upon everyone.  Equally.  Just as the prodigal son got such a good welcome home party from living in a dump a good portion of his life, the goodly brother has lived like that, in paradise, for pretty much all his life.

     God wants all His children to be happy.  All the things that happen to us, good or bad, befalls on all of us, regardless of who we are.  God is an equal opportunity employer [of opportunity].

Thursday, February 13, 2014

In Retrospect

     Walking down a white, bricklayed road, a shining white gate beholds your eye.  The sign above the gate displays "finish" in big, bold capital letters.  Every step closer, you notice that the brick road gets narrower and narrower-- on either side of you, the landscape turns from a sunny, frolicksome prairie to a more ominous, hazy wasteland.  You're uncertain that you should be going this way, but seeing how the gates are still shining, you proceed onward, walking to your proposed destination.  Suddenly, a piece of brick catches your shoe and you descend rather suddenly onto the now 2-person-width brick road.  Scraped and startled, you pick yourself back up, still the gate in sight.  However, you have an urge to look the other way-- how far have I come?  The neck turns.  The vision extends further right than in front.

     An unknown figure with long, disheveled hair is seen.  Wearing a greyish-white garment, she looks up to you, revealing a shriek that kidnaps the soul away from you body-- the thread cut short, you cannot finish to your destination any longer.

     The reason I give this raconte is the importance of looking forward.  That "unknown female" doesn't exactly have to be an unknown female.  It could be whatever impedes us from progressing toward our final destination.  At occasion, we may look back into our past to reflect-- there's nothing wrong with that!  However, when emotions come to shore such as regret and hindsight, then the problems start to come up.  This is how man is foiled.  We try our best to think of what's good in the world and what optimism lays ahead of us.  Being with God once more.  Starting a wonderful, loving family (if not yet married).  Blessing others through future works of service.  Overcoming the current challenges we face.  Getting through the day to start anew the next.  As we look and move forward, we may be able to experience more joy than we turn around.  We are here in this world not to look back-- even Jesus said that to follow him, one mustn't do so!  With an eye single to the glory of God, one can move mountains and do the impossible.

    I'm a type of person who ALWAYS reflects about everything.  I'm an introvert.  I'm very introspective.  However, this type of thinking always leads to cynicism and pessimism regardless of anything else I may do.  Those particular emotions aforementioned surface and depression is ready to take hold of me-- it already has, a plethora of times.  Although it gives good fodder for writing material (if you want to look at my twitter which I put on a hiatus until I come back), it will ruin you in the long run.  Out here now, I cannot afford to think like that.  It is one of the ways Satan drags you victim to his vicious ploys to destroy you.

     INFJ or not, turning around may in fact scare you [silly].  Don't fall for the urge to do so unless it's something that you won't regret or feel worried or sad about.  You are here to succeed.  Don't think back on anything that might have set you back a little.  Othello did the exact same thing and look how he turned out in the conclusion of the play.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Don't Give In!

     The daily life of a missionary isn't the easiest thing in the world-- back home, I was used to taking a midday siesta whenever I was tired.  Alas, it is no more so.  When I first started, I would crash at around 2-ish PM-- luckily, getting up early was never hard for me.  Now, it's better, but it's still awfully difficult.  You're outside working your butt off knocking on peoples' doors, visiting businesses, or just driving.  Because of which, I did pack on some pounds.  Sometimes, the mission can make you really depressed because of what suddenly have and also because of what you don't have.  It can make you really frustrated because of the people that mock you and neglect the words that come out of your lips.  Now why would anyone want to spend 2 years of their lives doing something that would cause such difficulty in their lives?  Why have I done so myself?

     A lot of kids that come on missions are kind of forced into it by their parents, but then you get the occasional "woah I had the biggest, deepest conversion story in the world that made me come out here asap" person.  I'm not judging-- I love meeting those kinds of people, because they really do have neat experiences!  However, there have been very many struggles being a missionary and a newbie with the gospel doctrine.

     Since joining the church and going on this mission, there are a lot of things I have considered.  Why the heck am I preaching something I scarcely know?  There's a social stigma (mostly in Utah) that if you leave your mission prematurely just because you don't want to serve anymore or you flub up and get the boot, you're life is pretty much ruined-- no chance for marriage, no chance for a higher education, and being shunned by the people in your local church (ward).  For me, probably from living in the East Coast, I didn't have any of that-- one of my mentors from the priesthood quorum back home told me that if I did come home, that everyone would understand; I was a convert relatively new to the gospel and that if my faith was tested to its limit, coming back home would be okay.

     I told this to my very first companion in the mission and boy was he surprised!  Being from the heartland of Mormonism (Salt Lake City), he told me that you were pretty much hopeless if you came back home prematurely or didn't go on a mission at all.

     Mulling the thought out a bit, I felt very fortunate to have this button-- a button that I can just press and I can come back home and lead a normal life back where I was with the friends I was with-- maybe a bit changed; but, there's a lot of things that are stopping me from going back home before my 2 years.  As difficult as it is, it has given me so much to live for.  It's given me so much more than the couple hundred dollars spent a month to keep me here.  The language is just a small part of it!

     Summed up, here's the pro's and con's of the mission is for a missionary.  However, it isn't all-encompassing as there are a LOT more pro's that aren't even mentioned:

Learning a new language
Costs money
Meeting awesome people
Changing a lot of lives
Two years (4%) of life is gone
Growing in maturity
No worldly entertainment
Increasing self-reliance
Only see parents twice a year
Knowledgeable in the Bible
Uncomfortable weight gain/loss
Trying new and different things
No dating
Better study skills
Your companion's little habits
Better social skills
An increased appreciation of service
Faith in God
Better at money management
Learning to deal with others
Better coping skills
Fights laziness
Increased general spirituality
Seeing loved ones afterward is so much more rewarding
Ultimate college/life prep

     So for those of you [missionaries] struggling to find purpose on why you're out here, look at all the good that you're doing-- for others and for yourself.  Even if you already have all of these skills under your belt, you'd be surprised with what you have yet to learn!  Just being out here is a blessing.

     I, too questioned why I was out here.  I almost started not believing in any of the stuff that Mormons believed in but little by little, as I learned more of the fundamentals, it came to me-- this stuff is really important.  There are a TON of people who aren't even aware that these answers are true let alone existent!  So as a missionary, it is our duty to bring to light the truths we have to share with others-- so that they're informed to make the decision whether to follow it or not.  Every single missionary, no matter their behavior-- delinquentesque or otherwise-- are doing a good job.  If not, they will do a good job.  To the rest, here them out.  They each have a story to tell.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Running Men

     I wasn't able to post anything the last few days because I had to allot my time on other ventures.  As you can see here, hand sewing flags isn't the easiest thing in the world.  With 20+ hours of labor, my eyes kind of withered away and my hands developed an intermittent occurrence of carpel tunnel.  That's okay though, because the flags had a purpose--  I'll get to that in a jiffy.

     Last Saturday was a youth event activity in the Korean branch called "Running Man."  Although I'm not familiar with the actual Korean TV show, it was supposed to be based on it.  A bunch of the youth from all over SoCal came over and we just had a really good time!  Activities like these are a great way for missionaries to get to know the youth and have them participate in missionary work by simply bringing friends!

There were a bunch of activities inside this "Running Man;" this was perhaps one of the more popular ones-- the two teams with blue and orange pennies try to fit as many of their people as possible inside the frame of a camera to determine which side wins.  The kids [and the missionaries] were jumping, playing, pushing, pulling, and most importantly, having fun!

Dinner was served too-- a good time for the kids on both sides to kind of come together, set aside differences, and just mingle!  With burgers and Korean food, there's no reason for animosity!

All-in-all, the point of this youth social event was to get the kids to know that church, as full of doctrine and "grown-up words" as it has, does in fact focus on the family-- including the kids.  Yes, church can be boring sitting on the bench and listening to a guy (or a couple of people) talk for an hour, but it's times like these where the youth, whether people from church or otherwise can just relax and have fun!  Church is a place to gather together-- a social place!  Congregation.  Iglesia.  Eglise, Kirche.  Church.  These all derive off of the fact that the place to worship is a place to gather-- a place of society.

As for the flags, though, they were used to play the last game in "Running Man--" capture the flag.  Seeing how inexperienced I really was with the TV show and what exactly happened, the first couple of hours were spent kind of suffering through what the design would be.  At the end of Wednesday, I had a brief idea-- but how was I supposed to put it on fabric?

The pole holder was sewn and something resembling a flag was completed that Wednesday night-- I cannot imagine the duties of a seamstress and how hard that could possibly be.

With a pair of safety scissors, the shapes were cut out and something of a design plan could be seen.  I have never actually done something like this before, but I suppose with prayer and diligence that a feat could be done.

 After much sewing on Thursday and Friday, the flags kind of resembled flags.  At this point in time, it has already been around 15-ish hours working.  My hands were sore, my head was aching, and my eyes were very worn out.  Two of the three flags were made and I was more than thankful for the progress that I've made.

The final outcome, working all night and all day until Saturday resulted in such an unforgettable activity.  For the youth and for the members of the church, the effort that it took to make these only made me a stronger individual (albeit a very tired individual).  From this activity and even from "Running Man," there can be a lesson to be learned.  God can give us strength to do whatever we may be demanded of-- conditionally.  In the Book of Mormon, the book of Ether, there's a verse in the twelfth chapter that reads like this:

"And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness.  I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men to humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them" (Ether 12:27).

A prophet, WAY before the people in the Book of Mormon, was told of this by God in order for him to have enough faith to see Christ.  A miraculous anomaly, like him, if we have faith and ask God for strength, we too may be able to move mountains, perform miracles, and do the things that we suck the most at.

Aside from it all, the flags' symbolism carries a rather interesting connotation; even the one with the reverse-sided eighth note.  That's up to you to figure out;)


Thursday, February 6, 2014

Will Work for Love

In a nutshell, this is what we do as missionaries-- not necessarily panhandle or beg, but work out of appreciation of man rather than for profit or worldly gain.

We dedicate 1.5-2 years of our lives to teach and serve everyone in where we are assigned.  For me, that would be the Korean people covering 2/3 of the Orange County area.  Carrying no more than a hundred pounds of luggage from home, we settle down in the area, restricted to wearing western dignified attire for the given years, and basically proselyte.  I love it and wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

We teach the gospel.  As many already know, "gospel" means "good news."  We teach Jesus' "good news" throughout the area in whatever language we can speak.  The most important of this is of love.

In whatever opportunity we get, tutoring, yardwork, fixing things, teaching English, and even teaching our fundamental beliefs, we do it with love.  We didn't have to come out here to do what we do; we did it because we felt like it was the right thing to do-- it was an exercise of our free will.  Our love for our fellow men knows no bounds.

So if any of you need help in any way, shape, or form, contact you local missionaries or chase one down (they're easy to spot) and ask!  They'll be glad to help!  I'm no exception.  We'll work not for food, nor money, nor fame, nor popularity, nor prestige, nor extravagance, nor pride, nor compulsion, nor physical gain in any form, but we'll work for love.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Patience and Longsuffering

     For those of you who share rooms with siblings, live with a roommate, or anything else where one may share a living quarters with another, you may sometimes feel like the things that the other person is doing bothers you-- a great deal.

     As for me, for two years, this is my life.  I share a living space with one or two other people.  It can be quite stressful dealing with the habits of others, but the most important thing I learn from this experience is tolerance.

     While living with others, this tendency to frown upon many weird habits of others may be quite natural to you-- maybe you get irritated for not cleaning up that mess in the kitchen.  Maybe they wake up late and just sit around the quarters doing nothing but sit next to the computer and eat chips all day.  It's fascinatingly stressful, but it's something that we have no say on.  From these negative thoughts, we build more and more negative thoughts about that person and the faults that he or she has until that person becomes unbearable to live with.

     In the mission field, I thought to myself "good riddance" to my previous companion every time I got assigned a new one.  However, more and more, I found myself saying that to every companion I've been with for the longest time!  Good riddance to waking up late.  Good riddance to eating too much.  Good riddance to using my things without my permission.  Honestly, it was empowering for me-- for the best of a day.  Then, when the next companion rolled along, you couldn't think of anything but the faults they make!

     This kind of negative, sardonic thinking isn't going to make life any more tolerable.  In fact, it'll probably only make it worse, satiating the hateful desire for the shortest time.  We all have people we may not get along with-- they may roam around our very premises!  The attitude of disdain sucks.  So, when you encounter a situation like this, look at all the good things about the person you're living with!  Tell them about those things!  And if any of their actions are bothering you, don't be afraid to ask them and resolve it with love and forbearance!  It's probably the hardest trait that you're ever going to have to learn if you want a family of your own.  I admonish you to start early so that it doesn't become a problem later.

     In the words of a wise, wise, anonymous person, "turn that frown upside down!"

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Dinner Bell!

     Chopping up some vegetables, I was thinking to myself of something rather funny-- when I was 5 or so years old, I was one of those kids who hated eating the very things I was preparing!  Green beans, celery, and the like, they weren't exactly the most appetizing of foods.

     As kids growing up, we were probably told at least once by our parents to eat [all of] our veggies.  When dinnertime rolled along and our mothers brought out our plate of food,  On that plate were a variety of different things-- probably something like pasta or dinner rolls with some marinara sauce, meatloaf, and the green bean salad.  Of every meal, we would tend to eat only the sweets everything except whatever was green.

     In today's society, there's a plate of divers races, ethnicities, creeds, and religions.  We may love everyone who may support us.  We may love everyone who believes in the same thing as what we do.  We may even love everyone who doesn't like the same things we don't like!  However, what about those who doesn't believe in the same things we do?  What about those who doesn't like the same things we do?  We may not know it, but we may love everyone except the green beans or brussel sprouts of humanity-- the ones we tend to avoid because we may not exactly like associating with those types of people.

     It can be noted that in the Bible, even, Jesus' Twelve Apostles, no matter how amazing they may have been, have behaved this exact way.  They rebuked Jesus for what they thought was a waste of time, accepting the company of little kids.  They tried shooing away a blind man from the healing powers of Jesus because of his poverty-stricken state.  Peter, the leader of the apostles, chopped a soldier's ear off because he came to take away and eventually kill Jesus!  These people had their faults with their dealings with man-- just like us.

     The world is our dinner plate.  In order to be strong and healthy, morally and physically, we must eat all that is given to us by our parents at the moment that we have.  If we avoid the nutritious foods and just eat what tastes good, like candy, how will we grow?  How will we become strong?  Next time we see someone (or some people) we don't like, remember this.  The foods on the plate is there so that it may help us, not hurt us.  Eating it all will be a blessing upon us in the long run, far exceeding that of the immediate satisfaction of quelling hunger.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Ten Essentials (Digression)

As it today I get to write back to family and friends, why not have a little fun and share something that makes missionaries a little more human?  After all, missionaries are just like you-- except they want to share a wonderful message with you.  In whatever language they're assigned.  With the resources that they're given.  With a name tag.  Every day.  Until 9PM.  Including weekends and holidays.  For two years.

So this is my list of 10 things I don't leave home without.  The Bible and Book of Mormon are a definite given, so I won't put that on the list.

  1. Daily Planner - A missionary's day is always filled with things to do!
  2. Bath and Body Works Cashmere Glow Lotion - Quickly moisturizes skin while making it smell super good!
  3. Parker Jotting Pen - These things are tanks-- plus, they (the blue, medium tip cartridge) never run out of ink while you write down an inspirational thought or two.
  4. Karabiner - A convenient way to carry a vial of "healing" oil, an inspirational keyfob, apartment key, and car key all in one place!
  5. Wallet - For obvious reasons
  6. Burt's Bee's Lip Balm - For the arid California weather, chapped lips don't make for good lessons.
  7. Wristwatch - You'd be surprised how much punctuality is an issue in the mission field!  Plus, if not the Bible, Book of Mormon, or your planner, you're going to be looking at this all day!
  8. Name tag - You're a representative of Jesus Christ; how else are people going to know that?
  9. Wisdom from the World according to Mister Rogers - Perhaps the most inspirational and most uplifting little booklet money can buy.
  10. Notepad - If you're someone like me, it drives you nuts if you forget something that you had in mind about anything introspective or inspirational.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

"If I Didn't Care"

     The title is a nod to one of my favorite songs by The Ink Spots-- a group of very talented musicians of the mid-20th century.  I'll explain the reason why I chose that title in a bit.

     Today marks one of my favorite times of year: it's the start of Black History Month!  If there's anything you should know about me, I LOVE the richness of the culture of African Americans!  Among my favorite authors, poets, and musicians were black!  From Toni Morrison to Nat King Cole, the incredible literature, art, and music-- what's not to love about it?  Now many a rumor has surfaced from the dawn of time about the church's stance with black people.  Many believe [still] that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints discriminates black people due to their "Caucasian superiority."  I myself thought that the church had this stance before I knew anything about the church, but it is simply not true!  Let me explain.

     When the Restored Church was officially organized in the late 1820's, Joseph Smith and his buddies took in EVERYONE to hear the gospel, regardless of race, creed, and ethnicity.  Many new converts in the time were actually African American.  In a time when slavery was rampant and every other pastor, preacher, and professor of faith owned a few, disregarding their stance as people, the Latter-day Saints were firm on their stance on abolition.  Many were persecuted for this stance, yet still, they held strong to this belief.  Throughout church history, there has not been a single instance of segregated services while other churches have made it the norm.

     Oh, then, what about the priesthood?  Why weren't they allowed to have the priesthood until 1978?

     Simple.  A church leader named Brigham Young said that the times were not right for them to have so, but they were allowed to be baptised and likewise perform baptisms for the dead.  Mr. Young then went on to say that one day they would receive the priesthood and the blessings thereof even more than anyone else.  The day came on June 8, 1978.  This trial of faith has proved to be one of the greatest blessings to the church and to the African people:

Dear Brethren:
 As we have witnessed the expansion of the work of the Lord over the earth, we have been grateful that people of many nations have responded to the message of the restored gospel, and have joined the Church in ever-increasing numbers. This, in turn, has inspired us with a desire to extend to every worthy member of the Church all of the privileges and blessings which the gospel affords.
 Aware of the promises made by the prophets and presidents of the Church who have preceded us that at some time, in God’s eternal plan, all of our brethren who are worthy may receive the priesthood, and witnessing the faithfulness of those from whom the priesthood has been withheld, we have pleaded long and earnestly in behalf of these, our faithful brethren, spending many hours in the Upper Room of the Temple supplicating the Lord for divine guidance.
 He has heard our prayers, and by revelation has confirmed that the long-promised day has come when every faithful, worthy man in the Church may receive the holy priesthood, with power to exercise its divine authority, and enjoy with his loved ones every blessing that flows therefrom, including the blessings of the temple. Accordingly, all worthy male members of the Church may be ordained to the priesthood without regard for race or color. Priesthood leaders are instructed to follow the policy of carefully interviewing all candidates for ordination to either the Aaronic or the Melchizedek Priesthood to insure that they meet the established standards for worthiness.
 We declare with soberness that the Lord has now made known his will for the blessing of all his children throughout the earth who will hearken to the voice of his authorized servants, and prepare themselves to receive every blessing of the gospel.*
Sincerely yours,
Spencer W. Kimball
N. Eldon Tanner
Marion G. Romney
The First Presidency
     A trial of faith.  No other phrase puts this ordeal best than that.  God has put it upon the African people because He knew that those who accepted the gospel were capable of staying strong to the faith enough so that the blessings would appear.  Emphasizing, God did not put His children on Earth to fail.  He knew the tremendous strength of His children enough to put a challenge or an adversity like that.
     So this time in history, remember what the church has done for the advancement of ALL people, not just white people.  Like me, the church loves black people.  Standing shoulder to shoulder, we remember their contribution to the betterment of society and the love that we have as children of God.

*Official Declaration 2 of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.